Mamas in Training: Preparing for Pregnancy & Motherhood
Giving aspiring first time moms guidance & community from moms who’ve been there. Hosted by Jessica Lorion, a Mama in Training herself. Whether you’re an aspiring mom or a pregnant, expecting woman, we are here to learn right along with you, all about motherhood. We‘re in this together!

Monday Mar 13, 2023
A Final Message to You! Thank you! Love, Jess
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
It is with a heavy heart that I close the doors to the Mamas in Training Podcast. The past 3.5 years have been unbelievable and have connected me to so many of you, creating a community I only dreamt of!
However, my life has been thrown a major curveball and continuing the podcast is not aligning with me at this time. I want to make sure that I'm showing up authentically and truthfully for each and every one of you and until I can do that again, I am stepping away.
So, this is the last episode, but if you haven't heard the past 143 other episodes, I encourage you to check them out!
You're also welcome to join us over on Facebook if you're not a part of that community for continued support from each other.
I hope to be back in the podcast world some day, but for now, be well!
We're in this together,
Jess, Your Host
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Friday Mar 10, 2023
EP143- What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About Fertility with Monica Cox
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Infertility can feel lonely and desperate… as if you have no control. Especially if we’re told we have unexplained infertility, what are we to do?! How can we not just throw up our hands and give up?!
After being beat down and given a predetermined course by her doctor, Monica Cox decided to take her future into her own hands and explore Functional Medicine. The impact this new lifestyle had on her personally encouraged her to get trained as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner herself! She continued the diet and healthy lifestyle and got pregnant naturally for first time in 9 years
By learning from what she did, we can start to implement those tools today to improve our chances of fertility and fight back against our doctors.
Proov Fertility Tests:
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Friday Mar 10, 2023
EP142- What REALLY Happens Down There Postpartum with Sara Reardon
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Without any caution to say the right thing, not scare people or be P.C. Let's ACTUALLY talk about our vaginas and normalize what we will experience after birth. By doing so, we’ll be better prepared mentally and physically and not be caught so off guard.
So… if you’d rather get some headphones, this might be a good time.
YES, today we are talking about our vaginas post-birth.
By the end of this episode you'll really know what goes on down there and what to expect!
Dr. Sara Reardon is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Board-Certified Women’s Health and Pelvic Floor Therapist, and Mom of 2.
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Friday Mar 10, 2023
EP141- How to Financially Prepare for Motherhood with Jen Narciso
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Overwhelmed by finances and motherhood?
By the end of this episode, you will know where to begin with your money, how to navigate all of those misc. expenses that come along with pregnancy and birth and find comfort in knowing that it is through these Tough, but important conversations that we can create generational wealth and support for our family.
My name is Jen, and I am the host of the Investor Mama Podcast. I am a wife, mom, daughter, granddaughter, real estate investor, business owner, and project manager. I am an adamant reader and a consumer of content geared towards helping individuals reach financial independence.
After years of learning, I thought it was about time I started producing and share my obsession with others. However, after being part of the financial independence movement for the past few years, I realized there was a gap in resources around personal finances geared towards moms. Trying to get ahead with money is one thing, trying to get ahead as a mom is whole other ball game.
I started talking about money more and more with my mom friends and noticed a trend in the questions I was being asked. I didn't have all the answers but knew there were others out there who did and other successful super moms setting the example with their money.
I thought to myself and said why not find them, interview them, and share their knowledge with other moms also trying to get financially ahead for their family. And so, Investor Mama was born!
I believe anyone can achieve financial freedom and peace of mind by getting educated and changing their habits. I hope this podcast will be a resource and an inspiration to help you with your own money journey.
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Friday Mar 10, 2023
EP140- What Story are You Telling Yourself with Amelia Kriss
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
When we enter motherhood, there is an expectation that, “this is just how it is.” You’re never going to get sleep, you’re not going to be able to focus on yourself, good luck, “welcome to motherhood.” But what if we want something different for ourselves?
Amelia Kriss is a Drama Therapist and Certified Coach in private practice in the Bay Area, California, where she lives with her husband and two powerhouse daughters. She works primarily with recovering people-pleasers and "Nice" girls who are ready to deconstruct self-shrinking patterns, and find more ease & joy. Amelia is also deeply committed to Birth Story Medicine work--helping birthing parents integrate, and move forward from, unresolved issues connected to the experience of giving birth. She believes that supporting parents through birthing as a rite of passage is an important (and too often missing) piece of creating healthier & happier families.
Links:Website: amelia kriss collaborativeInstagram: @akcollaborative
Book a Birth Story Medicine session with Amelia: Birth Story Medicine — amelia kriss collaborative
Get her Newsletter for Pregnant People here:
Soft Cheese Newsletter — amelia kriss collaborative
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Friday Oct 28, 2022
EP139- How to Survive a Tough Season
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
As we move through the seasons, I can’t help but compare it to the seasons of life we go through. There are many seasons we experience, especially through motherhood and some last longer than others.
Today I’m back with a quick Mamas in Training Tip to talk about seasons and offer a new way of navigating through the seasons that feel darker than the rest.
Learn how to navigate through the seasons of life and motherhood in this episode of the Mamas in Training Podcast.
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Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
EP138- How Your Voice & Music Impacts Your Baby in the Womb and Beyond
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Learn the secret to preparing your baby for transitions and the best way to connect with your baby before they are even born… your voice and music. Vered is a music therapist, psychotherapist, a mother of 3 and the founder of She helped over 1000 parents feel more connected to their baby, more confident in their parenting and get more sleep.
Learn how your baby listens from inside the womb in this episode of the Mamas in Training Podcast.
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Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
EP137- How to Create a Legacy as a Single Mom
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Today, we are joined by Neferteri Plessy, the amazing woman and founder behind Single Moms Planet. Through her stories, and the stories of the many women she’s evolved with, listen as she talks about co-parenting, self-care, and how single mothers, or soon-to-become single mothers, can protect their heart, their thoughts, and their future. As a single mother, the words we’re going to hear from Neferteri will talk so much about the importance of the self and motherhood in single-motherhood.
Learn how to create legacy, even as a single mom on this episode of the Mamas in Training Podcast with Neferteri Plessy.
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Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
EP136- How to Plan for the Five Essential Changes Postpartum
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
As the founder of Postpartum Together, today Chelsea Skaggs will share several takeaways that we can learn from her experiences with pregnancy, relationships during and after baby, the reality of postpartum, and the different postpartum preparations that women need. If she looks back at all the choices she made and spent time and effort on, present Chelsea would tell her past-pregnant-self to “trust yourself more.” The time she spent on Google and YouTube looking for answers, she believes, was better off spent listening to her intuition more as a woman and a mother –a tip she leaves for all the mothers-to-be out there.
Learn how to prepare for the 5 Essential Changes that occur postpartum in this episode of the Mamas in Training Podcast.
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Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
EP135- Glucose Testing, Gestational Diabetes & Blood Sugar, OH MY! with Katie Dewhurst
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Rarely do we think about managing our blood sugar unless our doctor tells us there is a problem. However, when we are pregnant, we have to get the glucose test to check for gestational diabetes and all of a sudden stress and anxiety sets in.
What if we don't pass the test, what does it mean? How can we make changes now? What should we do on the day of our glucose test?
Today’s guest, Katie Dewhurst struggled herself with her health and nutrition and ended up discovering that by balancing her blood sugar, she felt better than ever. She is now a Functional Medicine, Health Coach Nutritionist, and the Founder of Hello Balance, a digital resource and a cookbook. With her guidance today, we will feel more calm going into our pregnancy and taking that glucose test, knowing that we've already taken the steps to regulate our blood sugar.
***ALSO be sure to listen to the end of the episode and check out the GIVEAWAY on Instagram! Entries close on October 7th!!!
Learn how to balance your blood sugar in preparation for the glucose test in pregnancy in this episode of the Mamas in Training Podcast.
👉 Hello Baby Prenatal Nutrition Course 🎉
*Use the CODE JESSICA at check out for 15% OFF!
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